Testing 1, 2, 3

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Didn’t get the candy corn or sunflower dolls finished today. Kinda had a lazy day of a little housework and a lot of “Sons of Anarchy.” (I’m way behind.)

I am doing another test, and I spent at least 2 SOA episodes working on it…only to discover a problem after all that work. It’s my first möbius scarf, but despite following the instructions to a T, I ended up with a mess.

After a couple more SOA episodes of just sitting on the couch and feeling like an idiot, I decided to try again. But rather than work the 100+ stitch foundation and the first couple rows, only to have the same results as the first time, I did a really short chain. Then I followed the same directions, doing the exact same things as before, and it worked! I only hope when I try to do the full chain again it comes out OK.

Here’s the mini version. Maybe it’ll fit the next doll that visits.


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